Pausing or disabling notifications for a single sensor or group of sensors

Pausing or disabling notifications for a single sensor or group of sensors Temporarily disable notifications from a single sensor. Instructions for temporarily pausing notifications from a single sensor or group of sensors in ViewMySensors Temporarily disable notifications from a single sensor. To temporarily disable notifications from a single sensor, select the Sensors option in the main navigation […]

Deactivating Device Alerts and Notifications

Deactivating Device Alerts and Notifications This article will walk you through how to disable actions and deactivate an email and/or phone notification. Deactivating Alerts Open ViewMySensors Select Actions in the main navigation menu. All the actions on your account will display on the page. A green dot on the action means that notification is active. Find the […]

Creating a report in ViewMySensors

Creating a report in ViewMySensors Reports are delivered regularly via email, updating you on sensor activity. The interval of these reports is easy to set and can even be submitted as one-time non-recurring updates. Regular reports help you stay up to date on your sensor activity.  This guide will walk you through setting up a […]