Editing Humidity Sensor Settings

The Humidity Sensor can be configured to display the following values Relative Humidity, Temperature, Dew Points, Moisture Weight, Heat Index and Wet Bulb

Edit an existing sensor to view other values

  1. Log in to viewmysensors
  2. Select Sensors in the main navigation menu.
  3. Select the sensor you want to edit
  4. Select the Cog icon for settings
  5. Scroll to the humidity settings
  6. Toggle to add the values you want to include.
  7. Click Save.


To view the updated settings

  1. Select the details icon
  2. The selected data will be visible on the graph and on the readings panel.


For additional information regarding this functionality, contact support


Posted in MSGO3A, Software, Support Center, ViewMySensors, Wireless Sensors.