Downloading Sensor Data

Downloading your sensor data as a report to view, print and/or share can be done through your web or mobile browser.   1. Login to 2. Select Sensor from the menu or from your dashboard 3. Select the sensor you want to download data for. This will take you to the sensor details page […]

Wireless Humidity Sensor Installation

This tech-tip is meant to give to give some suggestions for installing wireless humidity sensors for your application.   Mounting Your Sensor Before mounting your sensor, check to make sure the sensors has been added to your viewmysensors account. Sensors must be registered to a gateway to be operable. To register 1. Open ViewMySensors from […]

How Does the Notify After Aware Period Notification Work?

This article will illustrate how the Notify After Aware Period notification works and our recommended set up.   How Does the “Notify After Aware Period” Notification Works? When the server receives a message from the sensor, it looks for notifications assigned to the sensor.  If the server determines there is an active “Notify After Aware […]

Wireless Open-Closed Sensor Installation

This tech-tip is meant to give some suggestions for installing wireless open-closed sensors for your application.   Before Mounting Your Sensor Before mounting your sensor, check to make sure the sensors has been added to your viewmysensors account.  Sensors must be registered to a gateway to be operable. To register 1. Open ViewMySensors from a […]

Wireless Motion Sensor Installation

This tech-tip is meant to give  some suggestions for installing wireless motion sensors for your application.   Before Mounting Your Sensor Before mounting your sensor, make sure that the sensor has been added to your ViewMySensors account.  Sensors must be registered to a gateway to be operable. If the sensor (s) have not been added, […]

The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Food Safety Management System with sensors

We’re Here to Help You Create a Flawless Food Safety Program A fail-safe food safety program is required for every entity that deals with food—from sourcing ingredients to production to consumption. The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) management system is the standard for food safety procedures worldwide. So, HACCP principles must be the foundation […]

Notification (alert) Delay Function

Setting Up a Delay for an Action Actions (Notifications) offer the ability to send an alert after a delay period. This can be useful in scenarios where a particular triggering condition does not require an alert unless the condition persists for a certain amount of time. This article will provide information on this feature. Use […]

About SNAP

Welcome to SNAP – our new central destination for the latest stories, news, articles and product support. We wanted to make it easier for you to find information on various topics. Our SNAPS site  is designed to grow and change as we do, so as we introduce new products, services and technologies you’ll be able […]

Remote Temp Sensors and Why You Need It

Why A Temperature Monitoring Solution Can Save You Time & Money Today If you lost your inventory, how fast can you replace it?   Reason #1 The food in your fridge or freezer cost more than the monitoring solution. For some, this can be simple math but for others, it may be a little harder […]

Recalls and Outbreaks

Recent Recalls Real-time notices of recalls and alerts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are listed in the widget. Click on items within the widget for more information on a specific recall or alert. If the product details in the recall notice match the details on the food product you have […]